We all need coffee to live and we all need food to live. How about mixing those two needs together? We’ve compiled Sprudge stories featuring some of the most inventive ways folks are blending our two needs in life. Delicious!

Espresso Rye Bread & Coffee Chaff Butter

Featured in this episode of the Coffee Sprudgecast and in this feature from Giulia Mule at the London Coffee Festival, Square Mile Coffeesters in London paired up with a baker and a dairy to create espresso-infused rye bread and a butter made with coffee chaff!

Cascara “Chocolate Bars”

Square Mile Roasters also showcased some “chocolate” bars made out of cascara!

BBQ Pork Tenderloin With Panama Coffee

Mmm, mmm! We sure to love BBQ rubs, and this one is spiked with coffee from Panama.

Coffee Cherry Gummie Candy

Another Square Mile Coffee Roasters at the London Coffee Festival creation!

Coffee and Shellfish

Smoked espresso oysters, mussels with coffee infused vinegar, and clams with cascara butter was only one course at the Scandinavian Embassy pop-up at the London Coffee Festival. All kinds of coffee and food creations and pairings were on the menu!

Brownies Made With Coffee Flour

Make brownies with flour made out of coffee! No, serious!

Really Good Food Made With Really Good Coffee


Posted by Sprudge on Friday, July 22, 2016

The post 6 Really Good Foods Made With Really Good Coffee appeared first on Sprudge.