Annapolis, Maryland-based roasters Ceremony Coffee just launched brand new packaging for 2019. With it they’ve incorporated their “Taste By Color” palate palette in the design “meant to simplify finding a favorite coffee and convey a sense of familiarity” with their seasonal offerings, explains Roaster and Green Coordinator Jared Voorhees. We reached out to Voorhees via email to learn more.

When did the design debut?

The new bags started trickling out Monday, May 13th.

What’s different about the package?

We’ve pursued an approachable minimalism and incorporated what we’ve been calling Taste by Color into the redesign. The colors on our website, our cold brew cans, and now our bags, are all meant to simplify finding a favorite coffee and convey a sense of familiarity within our seasonal offering. Take a peek at to see what’s up.

Who designed it?

The rebrand was a team effort between Drexler Design Studio in Baltimore and several very relieved people at Ceremony.

How long did this redesign take to develop?

This package redesign was roughly two years in the talking-about phase and took about a year in heavy collaboration.

Why are aesthetics important for coffee packaging?

Coffee packaging is often nice to look at, but if it’s honest, it can also be an elegant heuristic that works as a guide to what’s inside.

Where is it available?

You can snag a bag at, in any of our four (soon to be six) cafes, or your local Ceremony stockist. DM us if you want to find out who has our coffee near you.


Company: Ceremony Coffee
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Country: United States
Design Debut: May 2019
Designer: Drexler Design Studio

Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge.

Disclosure: Ceremony Coffee is an advertising partner of Sprudge.

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