Will we look back at this moment (or last several decades) in history and reel in disgust at our wasteful, horrendous thirst for take-away containers? Every year we’re reminded how many times our barely recyclable, hardly compostable, and flagrantly non-resuable paper cups can circle our globe, or if stacked, could reach the far reaches of our solar system. In forty-seven million years, when archaeologists reach our fossils, we will be dubbed the Jur-plastic Era?



We’ve been following the cookie cup for years, with murmurings of such a thing existing in a prototype-ish form, and then as a thing you could only get if you waited on line in New York City for hours. But now? It seems like Colonel Sanders and his Southern Army of brand managers have cottoned on to the trend, awarding the United Kingdom market with Seattle’s Best Coffee served in cookie vessels.

That’s right. You can order coffee in cups made of cookies. At KFC. In the UK.

Photo proof via Instagram:

We turn to the New York Times for this crispy twice-fried info nugget:

“This type of edible packaging is definitely aligned with the global consumer mind-set in terms of sustainability and simplifying their life,” said Shilpa Rosenberry, senior director of global consumer strategy at Daymon Worldwide, a consulting firm that works with many food companies.

Sustainability, simplicity, and delicious cookies.

“Millennials in particular want to make sure an innovation is functional, works and is right for their lives,” she said.

The other winner of USBC is @benmedansky A photo posted by Zachary Carlsen (@zacharycarlsen) on

Sure, this cup feels good, but can I eat it?

In conclusion, paper cups are dumb. Reusable cups are better. But is the cookie cup the best? Would you be mad if you went into your favorite cafe and ordered a sixteen ounce of something hot and the barista said “Sorry friend, we ain’t got to-go cups, but I can put it in this sixteen ounce cookie.” WOULD YOU BE MAD? HOW COULD YOU BE MAD AT THAT?

Think about it.

Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and senior editor at Sprudge. 

The post Cookie Coffee Cups Go Mainstream With Help From Colonel Sanders appeared first on Sprudge.