Fliquor Bean

For coffee lovers, it may be hard to imagine those times when coffee alone just isn’t enough. But just imagine for a moment a scenario in which that sip of  Chemex-brewed glory or even a straight shot of single-origin espresso gives you that edge you need—and then some. Before you allow your brain to implode with the possibilities, read on.

Sprudge Fliquor Bean

Fliquor Bean is an LA-based startup that’s been working since 2013 to help coffee lovers get better at, well, getting correct. Founded by Jerry Defazio, a New York native who moved from Texas to LA seeking work in television broadcasting, Fliquor was a natural outgrowth of Defazio’s dedicated experimentation with Irish coffee, a necessary side project to breaking into the industry. The result of his tinkering is a concoction with the flavor and caffeine content of cold brew coffee and the gentle, loving bite of 90-proof whiskey. Fliquor Bean is said to be best served directly over ice (or in a boot), but can be enhanced with simple syrup and cream if you swing that way.

Sprudge Fliquor Bean

What’s the secret? Basically, Fliquor brews coffee with whiskey instead of water. A batch of Fliquor takes 12-14 hours, much like a cold brew, and currently relies on small-batch processing, though Defazio dreams big of large-scale batches of his boozy brew in the not-too-distant future. Not one to stifle his enthusiasm, Defazio’s also made claims on his Twitter that Fliquor Bean is a “magical cure for writer’s block” and is well-suited for picnics, Irish funerals, and simply drinking alone.

Sprudge Fliquor Bean

Since inception, Defazio has experimented with many different roasters and whiskeys but he has most recently been using Stumptown’s Hairbender roast along with Bowen’s whiskey based in Bakersfield, CA. While Fliquor Bean is currently awaiting licensing by the State and Federal Government, you can keep up with all the happening by following them on Instagram, or Twitter while you conduct your own…scientific experiments.

Ben Richardson is a photographer, videographer, and an avid coffee consumer from Modesto, California. Richardson currently resides near Omaha, Nebraska. Read more Ben Richardson on Sprudge.com.