Twin Peaks returned to the airwaves over the weekend after a nearly three-decade hiatus, much to the delight weirdoes and David Lynch fans everywhere. The quirky noir murder mystery set in the eponymous fictional Washington town first aired in 1990 and ended with a not-so-great feature film Fire Walk With Me two years later. Since then, the show has gained a cult following and fans have been anxiously awaiting its return.

But for Japanese fans, the show wasn’t so soon to leave, thanks to a series of 1993 TV ads for Georgia Coffee, a canned coffee brand owned by Coca-Cola. According to AdWeek, the four-part commercial series were directed by Lynch himself and starred many of the show’s cast members, including Kyle MacLachlan reprising his role as Special Agent Dale Cooper, Twin Peak’s coffee-loving protagonist.

The ads follow Agent Cooper “with a new Japanese partner” who are on the search for a missing girl and take the duo on a tour of Twin Peaks, visiting familiar spots like the police station, Big Ed’s Gas Barn, the Double R Diner, and even the Red Room. There is of course lot of “damn fine” canned coffee to be consumed and lauded by Agent Cooper. And there’s a lot of the Log Lady, if you’re into that sort of thing.

They’re quirky, they’re very Lynchian, and even only lasting a sum total of 2:35, they are somehow more coherent than the entire two seasons of Twin Peaks. There’s even a resolution!

I can’t say for sure, but I’m pretty sure these commercials are the key to unlocking all the mysteries hidden in Twin Peaks.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

*top image via YouTube

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