Hunter Pence’s love for coffee is well documented, as are perhaps some less true facts about the San Francisco Giants All-Star right fielder. And now Pence is converting that love into a Houston coffee shop. Not just any coffee shop though. Pence is teaming up with Greenway Coffee’s David Buehrer–who already has another shop, Prelude Coffee, in the works–and Ming Chen, star of AMC’s Comic Book Men, to create Coral Sword: Coffee, Comics, & Games.

According to the press release, Coral Sword “will redefine expectations for inclusivity in gaming” by “combining indie board games, a curated comic selection, and specialty coffee and tea.” It will be a place for people across a wide spectrum of interests to come and nerd out. From the press release:

Guests will have access to newly released games at a special gaming bar where industry leaders and game developers will teach their newest creations. Guests interested in streaming or podcasting can get hands-on experience in a special podcast booth fully equipped to connect to an audience abroad. Hunter and company have also included a membership driven co-gaming space for more in depth gaming that can be rented out for events, workshops, and tournaments.

For Pence, Coral Sword is a chance to combine his two favorite off-the-field activities: coffee and gaming.

I’m most excited about creating a space that combines the two. Incorporating new media into the coffee shop is an exciting way for me to bring a piece of San Francisco to Houston that keeps me feeling connected.

Coral Sword is scheduled to open in September of 2017. You can of course expect Sprudge to be there once they’re open to partake in yet another excellent cafe experience from Buehrer (who has yet to disappoint). And y’know, maybe play a little Magic: The Gathering while we’re there.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.

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