
The folks at Kickapoo Coffee Roasters in Viroqua, Wisconsin have created a simple and elegant design for their retail coffee packages. Small, colorful labels are placed on a backdrop of white and blues. Its a distinctive, clean, and inviting design. We spoke with Caleb Nicholes to learn more about the vision behind the branding.

As told to Sprudge by Caleb Nicholes.

When did the coffee package design debut?

November, 2015

Who designed the package?

Our bags were designed in-house with Neal Olson taking the lead on design.


Please describe the look in your own words.

Our package is modern and elegant, utilizing color and design to communicate information in a simple and clean way.


What coffee information do you share on the package? What’s the motivation behind that?

We include the farm or cooperative name, country of origin, and three tasting notes. The idea here was to keep things simple and trimmed down, visually as well as informationally.


Where is the bag manufactured?

Our bags are made in China.


What type of package is it?

This is a foil bag with a one-way valve.


Is the package recyclable? Any other pro-environment info about the package you want to share?

We chose a very thin mill material which utilizes 40% less material than traditional twelve ounce foil bags.

Company: Kickapoo Coffee Roasters
Location: Viroqua, Wisconsin
Country: United States
Design Date: November, 2015
Designer: Kickapoo Coffee Roasters, Neal Olson

Nice Package is a feature series by Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge. Look at more nice packages here



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