
Each year since the launch of this website in 2009, Your Sprudge Editors have composed an august list honoring the best and brightest in specialty coffee. We call it The Sprudgie Awards, and our past winners are a remarkable assembly of industry leaders, stalwarts, fresh faces, hot topics from yesteryear, and even the occasional flash in the pan.

The selection process is now beginning for the 2015 Sprudgie Awards. Please enter your nominations in the form below. We will only consider nominations that honor new cafes, products, and writing that opened/launched/published in 2015. Votes are accepted until Sunday, December 13th at 11:59 PM.

Click here if form below doesn’t play nice on your device.

We will present the top 5 nominees for each category on December 14th. You’ll have until Sunday, January 1st to vote for your favorite Sprudgie Awards nominee.

On January 8th, 2015, we’ll announce the winners in all ten categories. So get voting! And make your voice heard as part of the Sprudgie Lumpenproletariat.

Past Sprudgie Awards winners are all here!

The post Nominate The Best In Coffee For the 2015 Sprudgie Awards appeared first on Sprudge.