
It’s been a rough week for the tea-drinking President of the United States. The Noble peace prize winning Commander In Chief is dropping bombs on Syria and saluting marines with coffee cup in hand, can you believe it?


Saluting with anything in your hand is a no-no, say some. Others are asking “what’s the beef”, like

There’s no regulation that stipulates presidents must salute the troops. In fact, for the first 192 years of our republic, it didn’t happen.

Karl Rove called the President a “chai swiller” on Fox News, and did this on national television because Karl Rove:


Though some are questioning why Obama’s “latte salute” is causing a frenzy while President George W. Bush’s “puppy salute” did not:

Is it because puppies are cuter than lattes? Is it because Obama is the most disrespected sitting President in the history of United States presidents? Should everyone just chill the fuck out?

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