Yesterday we put out a cheeky little post on the Twitter and the Gram asking for experiences folks had serving coffee to celebrities and what they ordered. And let me tell you, it went hashtag viral. Well, maybe not full on viral, but it was hashtag contagious at the very least.
Work in the service industry long enough and you’ll have tales of the rich and famous. I waited on Paulie Shore when he came in right as we were closing, and buuuuuuuddy can really wheez on the juice. All-time rush yards leader Emmitt Smith once stiffed me on a tip. An unnamed guitar virtuoso came into a coffee shop and definitely didn’t not do cocaine in the bathroom while a member of his backing band told another barista his instrument was the “skin flute.”
Celebrities, they’re just like us! And really, they are the greatest expressions of the human condition. With all that money, they can act exactly as they feel without regard for anything else around them or fear of consequence. They are the worst of us because they are the truest of us; they are humans in their final form.
But like all of humanity, celebrities are not a monolith. Many are actually quite pleasant and have completely normal interactions with the less well-known. Thanks to the outpouring on Twitter, we’ve put together some of our favorite responses, none of which involve celebrities being on their more-celebrity-ish behavior.
Look at this list of nobodies. Only one of them has ever been president.
Jack White
Chris Pine
Wiley Dufresne
Naomi Campbell……and some guy named Barack.
— Spro Spro Def (@NoWaveCoffee) January 17, 2019
Ben Folds – decaf
Kip Winger – straight black coffee
Keith Urban – shot in the dark
Nicole Kidman – espresso and skim milk foam filling an 8 oz cup
Slug from Atmosphere – "is 16 oz your biggest size?" "yes" *slug walks away wordlessly*— Constable Sprodo (@SproBeforeBros) January 17, 2019
Nicole contains multitudes.
Flat White to Nicole Kidman and a Peppermint Tea to Cate Blanchett.
— Michel Auki (@auki) January 17, 2019
How of much Sam Elliott’s cappuccino do you think he actually gets to drink and how much is lost in his mustache?
Made John Cleese a siphon @baristapdx way way back, and he was a loveable smartass. Sam Elliott loves his cappuccino. And Chris Thile came back to tell me his macchiato was good. Those were all neat.
— Daniel (@muglife) January 17, 2019
Frances McDormand ordered capps for about a week while she was doing a show in town. She made herself a regular and would chat us up before meeting friends or reading a book.
— medium grindage (@MaximumGrindage) January 17, 2019
All is full of glug.
Made a cappuccino and two double espresso for Björk. She nailed em all in less than an hour
— baby rosalina (@rosolotl) January 16, 2019
Does everyone really want to hear my Air Supply story again? Yes. You read that right. AIR SUPPLY. I shall never forget it. (Also Crystal Gayle)
— Trish Rothgeb (@trishrothgeb) January 17, 2019
Someone introduce him to Ice-T.
I made Flea an iced almond milk latte. He told me it was the first coffee of his life. He was really excited about it, but to be fair, I think he's really excited about everything.
— Josh Rank (@I_am_josh_rank) January 16, 2019
More Like Leonardo DeuxCappuccino.
yeah… @LeoDiCaprio not one, but two cappuccinos at the @TheBreslin in the @acehotel i wasn’t allowed to hand it to him directly
his assistant would slide it over to him
and he was smoking an e-cigarette
— drip coffee makers (@dripcoffeenyc) January 17, 2019
This is not what I would expect Coach McGuirk to order.
Kristin Wiig – hemp cortado
H. Jon Benjamin – decaf skim iced latte— Matty B. (@matchewbie) January 17, 2019
Can we talk about how maybe Victor should have been asking for HER autograph?
The guy who played Victor in Breaking Bad was a Cartel Sky Harbor regular and ordered pour overs
— Michelle Johnson (@meeshal) January 17, 2019
And of course, no list of celebrity encounters would be complete without…
In what may be the peak of my professional coffee career, I served a caffe latte to Janet Jackson. #celebritycoffeeorder
— Peter Giuliano (@PeterGiuliano) January 17, 2019
I once made Snoop a Mocha.
— James Hoffmann (@jimseven) January 17, 2019
Do you have any celebrity encounters? We want to hear about them. Head over to Twitter and sound off.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
The post Turns Out, Celebrities Also Love Coffee appeared first on Sprudge.